Fungal infections can affect any part of the body. Fungi are normally present in and on the body alongside various bacteria. But when a fungus begins to overgrow, you can get an infection.
Onychomycosis, also called tinea unguium, is a fungal infection that affects either the fingernails or toenails. Fungal infections normally develop over time, so any immediate difference in the way your nail looks or feels may be too subtle to notice at first. If you notice a severe infection, do not delay in going for fungal nail infection treatment in Bangalore.
How Would You Develop Fungal Nail Infection?
Fungi growth aggravates in damp and warm conditions. As a result, nail infections such as athlete’s foot and cases of under-nail ringworm multiply and spread more in hot climates.
You may get fungal growth in your nail upon coming in contact with someone with infection. Toenails are more prone to fungal infections than fingernails. This is because your toes are confined inside closed shoes where they are prone to sweat.
Nail salons negligent of sanitising equipment after each use, can also pass on fungal infections. Doubly ensure that everything from nail clippers, emery boards, to the file and buffers being used on you at a salon are thoroughly sanitised.
Common signs of a Fungal Nail Infection include
A distorted nail that may lift off from the nail bed
An odour coming from the infected nail
A brittle or thickened nail
Effective Treatment For Fungal Nail Infection
Fungal nail infections can be difficult to treat. Fungal nail infection treatment in Bangalore depends on the severity of your condition and the type of fungus causing it. It can take months to see results. And even if your nail condition improves, repeat infections are common.
Fungal nail infection treatment procedures that your skin doctor may suggest would be topical medications. You may be prescribed antifungal drugs that you take orally or apply to the nail. In some situations, it helps to combine oral and topical antifungal therapies.
Oral Antifungal Drugs
These drugs are often the initial choice in treating nail fungus because they clear the infection more quickly than topical drugs. These drugs help a new nail grow infection-free, slowly replacing the infected part. You typically take this type of drug for 6 to 12 weeks. Oral antifungal drugs may cause side effects ranging from skin rashes, nausea, and headaches to liver issues.
Medicated Nail Polish
You may be prescribed an antifungal nail paint containing ciclopirox. You paint it on your infected nails and surrounding skin once a day. After seven days, you wipe the piled-on layers clean with alcohol and start over. You may need to use this type of nail paint on a regular basis for nearly a year.
Medicated Nail Cream
You may be prescribed an antifungal cream that can be rubbed into infected nails after soaking. These creams may work better if buffing is done on the nail. This helps the medication get through the hard nail surface to the underlying fungus. To thin nails, you apply a nonprescription lotion containing urea.
Oral antifungal drugs are the first choice of medication as they work quickly than medicated nail creams or polishes. Taking anti fungal drugs for 6 to 12 weeks will help you get an infection-free nail.
If you wait too long to treat a nail fungal infection, various issues arise. Your infected nail may start to deform in shape and gradually separate from your nail bed. Unpleasant side effects include itching and soreness, which can make it difficult to wear shoes or move around.
Fungi, which are tiny microorganisms that live on our skin and thrive in moist, dark and warm places cause nail fungal infection. You may contact the fungi from someone who has fungal nail infection through skin-to-skin contact. The chances of you getting fungal nail infection is more if you tend to wear shoes that cause your feet to get sweaty, or not keeping your feet clean and dry. Having a weakened immune system can also lead to fungal infections as your chances of contacting it becomes higher.
Yes, it is possible to cure nail fungus infections. The best treatment option is Oral antifungal drugs. Some other treatment methods include topical antifungal therapies,
medicated nail polish and medicated creams. In case of severe infections, skin doctors usually recommend removing the nail completely, and it might take a year or so for the infection to subside.
Dermatologists usually prescribe antifungal medicated creams or polishes containing Ciclopirox, Tavaborole or Amorolfine which helps to kill the fungus, and heals the tissue. Mild burning sensation or stinging are the only side effects of these medicated creams.
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