7 Simple Ways To Remove Sun Tan From Face And Hands

Tanning is our body’s way of standing up to the sun and protecting the skin from harmful UV radiations. It’s a our body’s way to keep us safe. We may dislike it, nevertheless, did you know some skin types get tanned easily while others don’t?
The cosmetic market is teeming with skincare products that claim to be all-natural and effective for tan removal. Sometimes it may cause more harm then benefit. Knowing the ingredients and the time duration, it can be applied is a good way forward.
Vitamin C, arbutin, licorice, coenzyme Q10, kojic acid are safe alternatives for tan reduction, best recommended according to your skin type by a dermatologist.
For a few natural organic fruits or home made recipes traditionally used for skin is something which is go to in case of tan.
Today we discuss these home based safe ways to reduce tan which rejuvenate and heal your skin.
1. Normal to Oily Skin
- (a) Lemon Juice and Honey Tan Removal Pack
2. Normal to Dry Skin
- (a) Coffee and Coconut Oil Pack
3. Dry to Sensitive Skin
- (a) Coffee and Coconut Oil Pack
Always remember that natural doesn’t mean you wouldn’t react to it. Even aloe vera or a turmeric can give you a rash. Use a test patch of the natural ingredient behind the ear, wait for half an hour, then wash and see if it is reddish or irritable. If so please take guidance from a dermatologist in Bangalore.
Otherwise choose your pick and pamper your skin back to its glowing best. If you have a skin type:
Normal to Oily Skin
1. Lemon Juice and Honey Tan Removal Pack
The citric acid in the lemon is strong always test patch this and remember to dilute equal parts, avoid if you have just come back from a sun exposed vacation and skin is irritable.
Mix a squeeze of fresh lime in honey – a deep hydrating agent, best used on hands elbows knees.
Normal to Dry Skin
2. Coffee and Coconut Oil Pack
Rich in antioxidants, coffee has a different effect when applied topically than the stimulating burst of energy it provides when consumed. Applied in a thick paste with another de-tanning agent like coconut oil, coffee soothes the skin, reducing breakouts and intensity of suntan.
Include coffee packs in your nightly skin routine. Let the application sit for 10-20 minutes, followed by a gentle wash. Wake up beautiful with tan-free skin!
Dry to Sensitive
3. Yogurt and Tomato Pack

Lycopene – an antioxidant agent good for holding together skin-integrity in the face of free-radical damage, is found in abundance in tomatoes. Blend this rich substance, with unflavored chilled yogurt, creating a cool application to smear over heat-distressed, reddened skin after a day out in the sun.
Swathe generously on face, neck, and other sun-exposed areas and leave on for 30 minutes, followed by a thorough cold wash. This soothes sunburns immediately, leaving your skin feeling fresh and supple to touch.
Use this pack 2-3 times weekly for a month to show results.
4. Bengal Gram Flour and Turmeric Pack
A long-treasured home remedy for de-tanning in Indian homes, Bengal gram flour or besan paste brightens skin tones and fights free radicals, reversing ageing affects. Bengal gram is a natural source of high portions of linoleic and oleic acids responsible for skin brightening. Beta Carotene – a skin cell regenerative agent found in gram flour improves skin texture by stimulating collagen production.
Double up the rejuvenating effects of this skin pack by sprinkling pinches of raw pasted or ground turmeric in the mix. Turmeric inhibits melanin production and stops the proliferation of sunspots. Use regularly to keep blemishes in check and skin discolouration from sun-exposure at bay.
5. Oatmeal & Buttermilk
Sloughing off dead cells from the exposed dermal layer on top is one of the best ways to restore pigmentation-free, fresh, and smiling skin. A crushed oatmeal pack with solid and grainy oat flakes achieves this well, better if soaked first in milk or buttermilk.
Besides being a source of Vitamin E on topical skin applications, oats also enrich the skin with saponins – a plant-based carbohydrate, effective as a natural cleanser. Using an oatmeal skin pack through a hot and humid summer can also help you keep oiliness in check.
6. Citrus Food as Part of the Meal
A potent way of maximizing the effects of summertime de-tanning is to support topical applications with a suitable meal for reducing pigmentation.
Keep a sizable portion of vitamin-C and antioxidant-rich fruits in your daily diet, preventing easy sunburn, sun-induced pigmentation, and tanning.
Flaxseeds – another important ingredient for an anti-tan sustainable summer diet, contains omega 3 fatty acids good for protecting your skin from sunburn, inflammation, and chances of skin cancer. Also, flaxseed oil – lightweight and soothing, is great for locking essential moisture in on a long day out in the sun in dry weather.
7. Chemical Peels
Exposure of raw chemicals on skin can set off a string of issues, starting from irritation and heavy pigmentation to toxicity. However, controlled dermal application of a wide range of acid solutions can actually cancel out negative effects of sun exposure and related aspects.
Types of effective chemical peels for de-tanning include Glycolic acid, especially useful for its deep penetrative property. It dissolves easily into skin and sloughs off dead cells from the top. Lactic peel, derived from milk, has a soft and nourishing effect with intense moisturisation advantage for the parched skin of drier summers. Retinol peels infuse Vitamin A – a skin cell growth amplifying agent to replace tanned dermal surfaces with new growth.
8. Laser Skin Lighting

To aim and treat sun-damaged dermal areas with precision and swifter effect, consult a skin care specialist on laser skin lighting. The process involves a strobe of laser being directed upon a demarcated skin area in a controlled fashion, wherein the dry or pigmented skin sloughs off. The underlying layer of fresh skin is revealed to restore a bright complexion.
Contrary to popular belief, when administered by a professional, laser skin lighting is safe, effective, and cost effective.
Skin-happy summers are possible, give your skin the care and healing touch it needs. Consult a professional to get more insights on de-tanning suitable for your unique skin type.

Dr.Tina Ramachander is one of the best dermatologist in Bangalore and Medical Director at Dr.Tina’s Skin Solutionz, a skin care clinic in Bangalore. She completed her master’s in dermatology from the well acclaimed JJM Medical college in Karnataka and is now a practicising dermatosurgeon and Medical Cosmetologist in Bangalore.