5 Causes of Skin Ageing and Easy Ways to Manage Them

2. Causes of Skin Ageing and Remedies
- (a) Smoking
What is Skin Ageing?
Appearance of deeper lines, brownish to grey patches, hollowness or sagging of skin leaving behind a tired looking face, which can happen slowly over a period of years, leaving one wondering what exactly happened to me?
A slow skin cell production, along with loss of collagen, exposure to sun, lack of hydration, consuming less proteins etc leads to rapid aging effects on the skin.
Thankfully, anti-aging can begin with small corrective steps in lifestyle. Invasive or surgical procedures and going under the knife may not be needed if we course correct early on.
You will be able to considerably slow down aging by following a few simple lifestyle changes.
Let’s understand how to manage this better and maintain the youthfulness of our skin.

Packed full of toxins of various kinds, cigarettes silently wear down smokers with each puff, affecting all organs, including skin. While dermal cellular regeneration should happen constantly, a smoker’s skin suffers from slower formation of collagen – that distinctive protein component which gives skin its structure, strength, and elasticity.
Smokers are found to have deep visible lines around the eyes, between eyebrows, and the area framing the mouth. People who smoke also develop a generally stiffer, less supple dermal consistency than those who don’t.
- Lessen the number of smokes even if you cannot quit!
- Take in plenty of fluids in between smokes.
- Reduce surface-level free radical damage by applying Vitamin E-enriched moisturizer.
- Apply Niacinamide, peptides, and glycerin-infused skin serums to reverse damage.
Unchecked Sun Damage
Photo-ageing accounts for almost 90% of dermal changes. The wrinkles, fine lines, sun spots, and pigmentation that you experience after crossing a certain age are really the cumulative effects of exposure to sunlight and Ultraviolet (UV) rays, as well as High Energy Visible (HEV) Light and infrared light.
Light is inescapable, but screening your skin from harmful rays is perhaps possible with the latest anti ageing skin upliftment solutions. Regular application of SPF 30+ protective sunscreen (containing zinc oxide and titanium oxide) during the day can provide broader protection of UVA rays, thus keeping photodamage at bay for longer.
- Use sunscreens with DNA repair enzymes to undo previous damage.
- Tap into great sources of antioxidants, consume food rich in Vitamin C and Vitamin E, green tea, dark chocolate and more, to even out skin tones and lighten dark spots.
- Maximise the use of retinol-containing skin products to boost cell turnover for a healthy and fresh appearance.
Must Read: How To Choose The Right Sunscreen For Your Skin Care – Tips From Top Dermatologist
Caffeine Overconsumption
Did you know that caffeine is a neurotoxic substance that the coffee plant evolved with, to keep away berry-devouring bugs? If this is not enough reason to cut down on your daily cuppa, get this – caffeine slows down the rate at which your body makes collagen, ushering a range of visible dermal aging effects including wrinkles, pigmentation, and loss of volume.
Anti-aging treatments like laser skin resurfacing and dermal filling are popularly opted for smoothening dark marks and correcting deep lines in coffeeholic. Besides, a number of homespun methods also prove to be extremely effective.
- Understand how much coffee is too much, and limit your intake accordingly.
- Stop caffeinating as soon as the effects of your last dose of coffee wears off, ensuring long intervals between intakes.
- Drink a lot of clean water to counterbalance the effects of caffeine running in your bloodstream.
- Apply water-based moisturizers to nourish caffeine-induced parched skin.
Living with Pollution
A range of pollutants, including oxides, particulate matter, ozone, cigarette smoke, and hydrocarbons, are perpetual contaminants present in the air that we breathe and the water we drink. These particulate matters cause extrinsic skin ageing, pigmentation, and acneiform eruptions.
Uneven tone, discolouration, and a rough, parched appearance of skin are part and parcel of living in urban areas with a high pollution index. While anti-aging treatments like chemical peel may prove fairly effective in correcting pollution-affected skin, you can start with some DIY measures first.
- Stay off free radicals’ effects with anti-pollutant skincare products, containing ascorbic acid, ferulic acid, and Vitamin E.
- Follow a weekly deep-cleansing routine for the face, arms, and other exposed areas, starting with an activated charcoal wash, exfoliation, steaming, and clay mask, and then wrapping it all up with thorough moisturization before bed.

Nutrition-deficient Diet
No matter how well you follow your skincare routine, having an affinity for oily foods will make your self-nourishment counterproductive. Premature ageing is often brought upon by an overindulgence in foods with concentrated fats and a high glycemic index.
While ageing is an inescapable reality, you can successfully slow the process by keeping your daily diet less oily and more nutritious – especially rich in vitamins and minerals. Sufficient proportions of magnesium, calcium, zinc, iodine, and selenium in your daily meals will help you function cognitively, mentally, and physically, to your optimal strength.
- Include plenty of fruits, leafy vegetables, nuts and seeds, and low-fat dairy products in your meals to ensure that nutrients never run in short supply.
- Avoid large portions of food with a high glycemic index like potatoes, white rice, white bread, and sugary fares.
- Guess what? Artificial sweeteners are as bad as the real stuff! These substances trigger glycation by bonding with the collagen and elastin in your skin tissues and thus affect their strength and flexibility in keeping your skin supple.
- Cut back on alcohol consumption, since its diuretic property may lead to dehydration and resultant drying and premature dermal ageing.
In closing, remember, wrinkles form where smiles have once been. Focus on living with joy and doing what makes you truly happy – and you will be armored with an anti-aging inner strength naturally, allowing you to age gracefully!

Dr.Tina Ramachander is one of the best dermatologist in Bangalore and Medical Director at Dr.Tina’s Skin Solutionz, a skin care clinic in Bangalore. She completed her master’s in dermatology from the well acclaimed JJM Medical college in Karnataka and is now a practicising dermatosurgeon and Medical Cosmetologist in Bangalore.